Management Matters: How to Hire the Right Property Maintenance Companies

Management Matters: How to Hire the Right Property Maintenance Companies

Imagine never having to worry about property inspections, maintenance requests, or submitting payments ever again. With help from an experienced property manager, it's possible. The best property maintenance companies can keep your properties in the best shape.

Maintaining your beautiful units can boost the property value and help you avoid costly repairs. Not sure which company to hire? Read on to streamline your search today.

Prioritize Experience

California is home to the highest number of property managers in the US. Don't waste your time evaluating 37,600 local property managers. Instead, prioritize teams with years of local experience.

An experienced team has developed efficient processes over time. They've learned from their hands-on experience to recognize the best way to operate.

Consider Services

Before choosing a company, learn more about the services they offer. Consider hiring a property maintenance company that offers additional services. If you need help in other areas, you won't have to hire another team.

Where do you need help outside of maintenance? About 80% of property managers coordinate or do maintenance and repairs. They also cover rental collection, leasing, and advertising.

Look for a full-service rental property management company. Their range of services can save you time and money.

Determine what's included in the company's maintenance services. For example, how do they handle emergency repairs?

Do they prioritize preventive maintenance? Preventive maintenance will keep your properties in the best possible shape.

Ask the company how often they complete property inspections. Routine inspections can help you spot smaller issues before they become more expensive problems. You can make minor repairs to keep your property in the best possible shape.

Property inspections will also ensure you remain compliant with housing laws and regulations. Look for a company that keeps up with local and federal laws. Otherwise, you could receive a fine.

Discuss Processes

Ask each company how you'll submit maintenance requests. Look for companies that use a tenant portal. They can simplify submitting work orders to save you and your tenants time.

An online portal will allow you to submit and organize requests. You can track each project's progress to ensure tasks are completed on time. This transparency can improve tenant relations.

Read Online Reviews

To find the best property maintenance companies, start reading online reviews. Online client reviews will help you find reliable businesses.

Visit each company's BBB profile, Yelp page, and Google Business listing. Look for complaints that repeat between multiple clients. You'll likely experience the same problem if you hire that company.

Compare Costs

Ask each company for an itemized list of their services. Compare costs between three local businesses. Ask each company if there's a cancellation fee or guarantee.

Review the contract to recognize hidden fees.

Find the Best Property Maintenance Companies

Don't rush when reviewing San Francisco property maintenance companies. Instead, use these tips to narrow down your options. Choose an experienced team that can meet your needs.

The best maintenance companies can boost your property value. Their services will save you money in the long run.

Our team at Kenny Realty has over 50 years of experience helping property owners in San Francisco. We can boost your property values! Contact us today to discover how our services can support your goals.

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