Maintenance Coordination: Do Property Management Fees Cover Rental Maintenance In San Francisco?

Maintenance Coordination: Do Property Management Fees Cover Rental Maintenance In San Francisco?

For busy San Francisco landlords, taking care of property maintenance is one of the most time-consuming aspects of owning an investment property. It's also a legal requirement when charging rent for a residential property.

Hiring a property management firm is one way to reduce the time and costs associated with this aspect and many other landlord responsibilities. For a fee, property managers can help you market your property, find good tenants, and limit vacancies.

These charges don't usually include paying for repairs and maintenance, but they do cover property maintenance coordination. Read on to find out more about this service.

What Is Maintenance Coordination?

Property maintenance involves several important aspects. These include routine maintenance, preventive maintenance, and repairs.

Together, these tasks ensure the comfort of your tenants, help you avoid legal issues, and help preserve the value of your property. For budgeting purposes, it's important to schedule these tasks throughout the year as necessary rather than attempt them all at once.

A property manager sets up a property maintenance schedule for necessary repairs and oversees them as required. By coordinating maintenance tasks in this way, they help prevent small issues from turning into costly repairs and replacements.

A maintenance calendar will include all types of maintenance, such as:

  • Snow removal and gutter cleaning
  • Roof inspections
  • Checking for plumbing leaks
  • Replacing HVAC filters
  • Testing and checking carbon monoxide monitors
  • Checking smoke detectors and fire extinguishers
  • Lawn care and landscaping

Property management companies have well-established relationships with dependable local vendors and contractors. This means they can arrange faster service and often better prices than a private property owner can.

A property manager also coordinates maintenance tasks and repairs as follows:

  • Comparing quotes to get the best prices
  • Booking professional services as required
  • Inspecting the outcome
  • Administering invoices and payments

Your property management fee pays for the property manager's time and expertise in orchestrating these aspects.

Regular property inspections are the most effective way to check for maintenance issues and necessary repairs. Your property management fees usually include these services too.

A property manager may also perform some of the simpler maintenance tasks, like replacing HVAC filters, at the time of the inspection. A property management service does not pay for any of your rental property expenses.

As the property owner, you will receive invoices for all your rental property maintenance costs.

What Do Property Management Fees Include?

Apart from maintenance coordination, your property management fees also include a range of important services. These include:

While comprehensive property management services are best for most landlords, most property management companies allow you to choose a customized package that suits your needs.

Optimize Your Rental Property Maintenance

Although property management fees don't include maintenance and repairs, they will save you money in several other ways. Effective maintenance coordination helps you retain tenants, avoid expensive repairs, and enjoy greater peace of mind.

Kenny Realty offers a full range of property management services for San Francisco landlords. We can assist you with tenant screening, maintenance coordination, rent collection, and eviction protection.

Discover a simpler way to succeed as a landlord in San Francisco Bay today.

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